Issues with government and authority
Individuals with PPD are vulnerable to shame and humiliation as a result of criticism, punishment, and adults who could not be pleased in their families of origin. Accordingly, adults with PPD have recurrent conflict with authority figures. They fear domination, enslavement, and loss of autonomy. They will attempt to exert interpersonal power to avoid the anticipated destructive consequences coming from interaction with people in authority.
As noted above, these individuals counterattack when they feel threatened. Consequently, they are inclined to be litigious and involved in legal disputes (DSM-IV, 1994, p. 635). They will fight "the good fight" no matter what the cost may be, welcoming opportunities to force others (particularly those in power) to admit they have been wrong. They will accept negative consequences that arise from their own actions as further proof that those around them are malicious and corrupt.