Impact introduction
Mental and behavioral disorders have a large impact not only individuals, but also families and communities. Individuals suffer the distressing symptoms of disorders. They also suffer because they are unable to participate in work and leisure activities. The patients worry about not being able to carry their responsibilities towards their families and friends, they are always fearful of being a burden for others.
About 450 million people suffer from mental disorders according to estimates given in WHO's World Health Report 2001. And behavioral disorders are present at any point in time in about 10% of the adult population worldwide. One fifth of teenagers under the age of 18 years suffer from developmental, emotional or behavioral problems, one in eight have a mental disorder; among disadvantaged children the rate is one in five. Mental and neurological disorders account for 13% of the total disability.
Five of the ten leading causes of disability worldwide are psychiatric conditions, including depression, alcohol use, schizophrenia and compulsive disorder (Murray & Lopez, 1996). Projections estimate that by the year 2020. neuropsychiatric conditions will account for 15% of disability worldwide.
Content outline
- Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005
- 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Economic costs to society of alcohol and drug abuse and mental illness: 1980 (Final Report to Alcohol and Mental Health Administration)
- Harwood, H. J., Napolitano, D. M., Kristiansen, P.L., & Collins, J.J. (1984). Research Triangle Park, North Carolina: Research Triangle Institute.