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Mental Health Quiz Trek

Your objective is to score a minimum of 42 points from the trek.

You might be tempted to feel techie, please try not to, because when you cheat, the objective of this trek will be defeated.


  1. People with personality disorders tend to have a narrow view of the world and find it difficult to participate in social activities.

  2. ............... is an anxiety disorder that a person is exposed to sleep abnormalities (i.e., insomnia), nightmares, depression and flashbacks.

  3. ............... is an abnormal fear of something or someone.

  4. ............... is the second most common illness among men older than 25.

  5. ............... is a type of anxiety disorder which is characterized by anxious thoughts or rituals you feel you can't control.

  6. ............... is a condition characterized by a chronic preoccupation with rules, orderliness, and control.

  7. ............... is the most common type of personality disorder among U.S. citizens.

  8. Individuals with ............... experience a polarity in their self-image; even though their behavior may be grandiose and arrogant.

  9. A mentally ill or unstable individual, especially one having an antisocial personality, is:

  10. ............... is a chronic and recurrent mood disorder characterized by episodes of depression and of mania.

  11. ............... is identified by a pervasive pattern of experience and behavior that is abnormal with respect to: thinking, mood and personal relations.

  12. Distrust and suspiciousness in which others' motives are interpreted as malevolent are symptoms of:

  13. Detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression are symptoms of:

  14. Acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive or perceptual distortions, and eccentricities of behavior are symptoms of:

  15. Disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others are symptoms of:

  16. Instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity are symptoms of:

  17. Excessive emotionality and attention seeking are symptoms of:

  18. Grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy are symptoms of:

  19. Social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation are symptoms of:

  20. Submissive and clinging behavior related to an excessive need to be taken care of, are symptoms of:

  21. Disorder preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism and control is known as:

  22. The individual suffering from tends to be ............... thrifty to the point of miserliness, hoarding money for some imagined future catastrophe which can create financial arguments in the family.

  23. People suffering from ............... suspect strangers, and even people they know, of planning to harm or exploit them.

  24. Individuals with PPD experience...

  25. ............... is one of the most violent and aggressive of the various personality disorders.

  26. Adults with PPD have recurrent conflict with authority figures.

  27. The dramatic decrease or drop in amount estrogen and progesterone level may trigger:

  28. A low level of ............... can cause mood swings, severe agitation, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety.

  29. Researches have found out that light treatment done in morning or evening is most effective in treating:

  30. ............... are recurrent, persistent, unwanted ideas, thoughts, images or impulses that are experienced involuntarily, appear to be senseless, and feel out of control.

  31. ............... is an anxiety disorder characterized by the presence of intrusive images or ideas (obsessions), accompanied by repeated attempts to suppress these thoughts (compulsions)

  32. People who suffer from ............... always believe that their panic has a physical cause, and often go to the hospital or call for an ambulance during or after their attacks.

  33. Intense fear, terror, racing heartbeat, pounding heartbeat, skipping heartbeat, heart palpitations and chest pain are symptoms of:

  34. The ............... disorder may resolve itself with time or may develop into a more severe disorder such as PTSD.

  35. Patients with ............... often recall their parents as being emotionally withholding and either overprotective or over-controlling.

  36. People with ............... are known for being highly controlling and bossy towards other people, especially subordinates.

  37. Patients of ............... suspect strangers, and even people they know, of planning to harm or exploit them. As a result of their constant concern about the lack of trustworthiness of others.

  38. ............... is a term used for describing a kind of anxiety disorders that indicates having an unreasonable or irrational fear or anxiety when exposed to specific objects or situations.

  39. Bipolar disorder consist of episodes of:

  40. Which of the following drugs is approved by the FDA for the treatment of mania?

  41. Which of the following is not a symptom of bipolar disorder?

  42. Which of the following drugs was the first approved drug for treatment of bipolar disorder?

  43. Bipolar disorder is a characterised by series of:

  44. The prevalence of borderline personality disorder is:

  45. DALYs was used by WHO in comparism of global burden of disease. What does DALY mean?

  46. Mania can be best described as a period of:

  47. Agoraphobia is:

  48. Mental health is defined as:

  49. When was Valproate approved by the FDA for the treatment of mania?

  50. Bipolar disorder accounts for .... million DALYs of the disease burden in established market economies in 1990